Exclusive: Death Stranding: Director’s Cut ultrawide support on PS5 isn’t really ultrawide at all

The announcement of Death Stranding: Director’s Cut for PS5 back in July came with one surprising detail that may have caught your eye: ultrawide support on PS5.

In a post on the PlayStation Blog, under PlayStation 5 features, it said players would be able to “Choose from two picture modes – Performance Mode with upscaled 4K and up to 60FPS or Fidelity Mode in native 4K – both with ultra-wide and HDR support”.

(Image credit: Future)

Considering that the PS5 is unable to output at 1440p, let alone display common ultra-wide resolutions like 3440×1440 or 2560×1080, I was curious as to how Death Stranding: Director’s Cut ultrawide support would work exactly. Would the PS5 really output at 21:9 when connected to compatible displays?

Original by Techradar – Click here to read full post

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